
Frequently Asked Questions About Sparkhouse Curriculum and Copyright

Updated June 7, 2021

As people and churches have begun to meet in-person again we recognize the value in still having the flexibility to use resources either in-person, virtually, or hybrid. We have decided to continue to allow remote/virtual use of Sparkhouse resources. Please follow the guidelines listed below. Sparkhouse appreciates being your partner in ministry.

General Questions

What does “local use” mean?

Local use means use and distribution of materials within the congregation that purchased them.

Can we use Sparkhouse curriculum to teach remotely?

Sparkhouse lessons may be led remotely. We encourage everyone to lead lessons safely in accordance with your church, local, and state guidelines.

Can someone help me with a question specific to my church?

If you find your question isn’t answered here, please send it to

Print Leader Guides and Facilitator Guides

We have leader/facilitator guides in print. Can we make photocopies of the pages and drop them off with leaders?

Creating copies of print leader or facilitator guides in any manner, including photocopying or scanning is not allowed unless otherwise indicated in the print resource itself*. Churches are encouraged to mail or safely distribute resources ahead of time. The temporary exemption for this use ended 7/31/20.

We have leader/facilitator guides in print. Can we scan the pages and email them to leaders?

Creating copies of print leader or facilitator guides in any manner, including scanning and emailing is not allowed unless otherwise indicated in the print resource itself*. Churches are encouraged to mail or safely distribute resources ahead of time. The temporary exemption for this use ended 7/31/20.

Can we show pages of a leader/facilitator guide to a class during a livestream or pre-recorded class?

Pages from leader/facilitator guides may be shown to a class. See the section on Lesson Hosting Formats for more details.

*Spark: Activate Faith Rotation leader guides, Spark: Activate Faith All Kids leader guides, and Whirl All Kids leader guides are reproducible for local use.

Student Resources

Student resources include but are not limited to learner leaflets, learner sheets, sticker sheets, posters, student handbooks, anti-workbooks, journals, learner books, and Bibles.

We have some student resources but need a couple more. Can we make photocopies of them so we have enough?

Making copies of student resources in any manner, including photocopying, is not allowed. Churches are encouraged to mail or safely distribute student resources ahead of time. The temporary exemption for this use ended 7/31/20.

We have some student resources. Can we scan them and email them to participants?

Making copies of student resources in any manner, including scanning and emailing, is not allowed. Churches are encouraged to mail or safely distribute student resources ahead of time. The temporary exemption for this use ended 7/31/20.

Can we post a single lesson or the entire student resource on our website or social media?

Posting a student resource on a website or social media is not allowed, except for Bible stories read aloud (see below).

Can we show a student resource (such as a learner leaflet or page of a student handbook) to a class during a livestream or pre-recorded class?

Yes, if it is for local use only. See the section on Lesson Hosting Formats for more details.

Lesson Videos

Lesson videos are the short Sparkhouse curriculum videos purchased on DVD or as part of a Sparkhouse Digital subscription. See the section on Lesson Hosting Formats for questions regarding recording and sharing a lesson.

Can we upload a lesson video to our church social media or YouTube channel?

Lesson videos may be uploaded to your church social media for the current lesson being taught. We encourage the use of private groups or private links, but it is not required. Videos must be removed prior to when the next lesson video is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first.

Can we upload a lesson video to our church website?

Lesson videos may be upload to your church website for the current lesson being taught. Videos must be removed prior to when the next lesson video is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first.

Can we show the lesson video on our screen during a live Sunday school lesson?

Lesson videos may be shown during a live Sunday school lesson. See the section on Lesson Hosting Formats for more details.

Can someone help us convert the DVD we purchased to digital files?

Augsburg Fortress Publishers, the parent company of Sparkhouse, cannot provide assistance with anything outside of our own currently available products. Please consult local IT professionals in your community or conduct your own research online.

Lesson Hosting Formats

This section applies to how you will host the lesson (i.e. pre-recorded, virtual meeting platforms, livestreaming), and applies to using all lesson materials.

Can we livestream lessons on our church website?

Lessons may be livestreamed from your church website. If it is recorded, the recording must be removed prior to when the next lesson is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first. Lessons may be archived on a password-protected site for continued local use by your congregation.

Can we post pre-recorded lesson on our church website?

Lessons may be pre-recorded and posted to your church website for the current lesson being taught. The recording must be removed prior to when the next lesson is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first. Lessons may be archived on a password-protected site for continued local use by your congregation.

Can we host lessons using virtual meeting software (ex. Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangouts)?

Lessons may be offered using virtual meeting software.

Can we livestream lessons on our church social media?

Lessons may be livestreamed from your church social media. We encourage the use of private groups or private links, but it is not required. If it is recorded, the recording must be removed prior to when the next lesson is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first. Lessons may be archived on a password-protected site for continued local use by your congregation.

Can we post pre-recorded lessons on our church social media?

Lessons may be pre-recorded and posted on your church social media. We encourage the use of private groups or private links, but it is not required. The recording must be removed prior to when the next lesson is posted or after seven days, whichever comes first. Lessons may be archived on a password-protected site for continued local use by your congregation.

Can someone help us troubleshoot using virtual meeting software or hosting videos on our church website?

Augsburg Fortress Publishers, the parent company of Sparkhouse, cannot provide assistance with anything outside of our own currently available products. Please consult local IT professionals in your community or conduct your own research online.


Can we read a story from a Sparkhouse story Bible on video?

Reading from a Sparkhouse story Bible is allowed, including allowing the pictures to be shown directly from the Bible (not scanned and posted) as long as the story name, the name of the Bible, and Sparkhouse as the publisher are mentioned.

Can we post a Bible storytelling video to our church social media, YouTube, or Vimeo channel?

Posting a reading from a Sparkhouse story Bible is allowed, including allowing the pictures to be shown directly from the Bible (not scanned and posted) as long as the story name, the name of the Bible, and Sparkhouse as the publisher are mentioned.

Can we post a Bible storytelling video to our church website?

Posting a reading from a Sparkhouse story Bible is allowed, including allowing the pictures to be shown directly from the Bible (not scanned and posted) as long as the story name, the name of the Bible, and Sparkhouse as the publisher are mentioned.

Can we make photocopies of story images to make puppets?

Making photocopies or scans of Bible pages or art in any manner is not allowed.

Sparkhouse Digital Subscribers

This section only applies to current Sparkhouse Digital subscriptions. For more information about Sparkhouse Digital, please visit

Can we forward the leader guides from Sparkhouse Digital to Sunday school teachers?

Leader resources from a Sparkhouse Digital subscription may be forwarded or reproduced for local use only. Leaders may also have their own individual login to access and download the resources themselves.

Can we forward the videos from Sparkhouse Digital to Sunday school teachers?

Leader resources from a Sparkhouse Digital subscription, including videos, may be forwarded or reproduced for local use only. Leaders may also have their own individual login to access and download the resources themselves.

Can we download a video from Sparkhouse Digital and post it on our website?

Videos from Sparkhouse Digital may be posted on a password-protected site for local use only.

Can we download leader resources from Sparkhouse Digital and post it on our website?

Leader resources from Sparkhouse Digital may be posted on a password-protected site for local use only.

Can student resources be downloaded from Sparkhouse Digital?

Student resources are not included with Sparkhouse Digital and must be purchased separately.