
Colaborate: Bible Study

Compelling conversation about God and what it means to follow Jesus

Why choose Colaborate: Bible Study?

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    Help students answer the question, “so what?”

    Allow students to discover the history and richness of Old and New Testaments using proven learning methods such as problem-based learning

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    Change the way students think about faith and the Bible

    Help youth take an honest look at the holy mystery and the complexity of Scripture to move them onto a path of growth and discovery.

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    Use the content to fit your context

    Decide the order of the lessons that work best for your youth group, whether you want to dig deeper into one lesson or skip ahead a few.

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    Choose a quality curriculum created by theologians

    Enjoy a curriculum that offers theological depth with thought-provoking questions, surprising insights, and punchy graphics thanks to the theologians, practitioners, and artists who developed it.

How it works

Each Colaborate: Bible Study lesson focuses on three key elements:

  • Frame the Problem – Use an infographic to set the tension for the lesson, unpacking and engaging students’ assumptions and past knowledge
  • Teaching and Learning – Equip students to interact through interaction and creativity by inviting them to draw, ask and answer questions, and share ideas with the group
  • Project and Closing – Solidify concepts through two activities—an individual writing activity and a more active group project
“We used this curriculum for our high school Sunday school class the last two years and it has gone amazingly well. Our teachers love using it and the youth seem engaged.”
Jeffrey Fiet , First Presbyterian Church
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Scope and sequence

The four Colaborate units provide 30 sessions for your Bible study. Download the full scope and sequence.

I don’t know why the Bible is so special, why certain parts made the cut, and who had the right to decide.
The Hebrew Bible
I don’t know why the Hebrew Bible is part of the Christian Bible.
I don’t know why Genesis matters when science has already disproven the stories.
I don’t understand why (or how) God plays favorites with Moses and the Israelites.
I don’t understand why we observe some parts of the law but not others.
I don’t know what judges are at all.
I don’t know why Ruth would willingly become an outsider in a foreign land.
I don’t know where kings fit into the story of Israel.
Babylonian Captivity
I don’t get why God would free the people only to let them be captured again.
I don’t understand what qualifies someone to be a prophet.
I don’t know what purpose the psalms serve.
I don’t know what makes wisdom books more wise than the rest of the Bible.
I don’t know why bad things happen to good people.
I don’t know why Esther’s story matters when it doesn’t mention God.
The Rise of Rome
What happened in the world between the Old Testament and New Testament?
I don’t know where all this Bible stuff happened.
The New Testament
If the whole Bible is so important, I don’t understand why it is split into two parts.
I don’t understand how Jesus could be fully human and fully divine.
I don’t know why Matthew refers to the Old Testament all the time.
I don’t get why Mark skips stuff and ends before the story does.
I’m not sure why Luke is so fixated on the Roman Empire and people on the fringes of society.
I don’t get why John is SO different from the other Gospels and changes the order of events.
I don’t know if church today is supposed to look like the church in Acts.
Paul and the Early Church
I don’t know why we hold Paul in such high esteem, given his poor track record with Christians.
Paul’s Theology
I’m not sure why Paul’s ideas are so important to Christians.
I don’t know why Paul felt the need to cram so many diverse issues and topics into one letter.
1st and 2nd Corinthians
I don’t know why the church in Corinth seemed so messed up and confused.
I don’t know what to do when Christians disagree.
I don’t know why so many letters are considered Holy Scripture.
I don’t know how to read this book without being scared or confused about the end of the world.

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