
Products (453)
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  • In the Steps of Saint Paul

    In the Steps of Saint Paul

    As one of the most prolific writers of the Bible and a major leader in the formation of the early church, Saint Paul is often...



  • Simply the Bible

    Simply the Bible

    When it comes to the Bible, Nick Page is a bit of a pro. He is the author of more than eighty books, including the...



  • Instant Expert: Jesus

    Instant Expert: Jesus

    He never ran a country, led an army, or wrote a book. He lived and died in a geographic backwater. But today, two billion people...



  • Instant Expert: The Bible

    Instant Expert: The Bible

    What makes the Bible the world's bestselling book, year after year after year? Where did it come from? What's it all about? And why does...



  • Is Religion Irrational?

    Is Religion Irrational?

    In the first decade of the twenty-first century, atheism took on a new lease of life. Following the popularity of books by big-name authors such...



  • You, Me, and Coffee: Our Lives, Your Journal, and So Much to Talk About

    You, Me, and Coffee: Our Lives, Your Journal, and So Much to Talk About

    One morning shortly after the birth of her second child, Dianne Parsons woke up and told her husband, "I don't think I can cope anymore."...



  • Sacred in the City: Seeing the Spiritual in the Everyday

    Sacred in the City: Seeing the Spiritual in the Everyday

    The sacred is all around us, all the time. It is the reality in which we live and move and have our being. But it...



  • A Treasury of Prayers

    A Treasury of Prayers

    Jesus said: Ask, and you will receive; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks...



  • A Treasury of Wisdom

    A Treasury of Wisdom

    I am Wisdom, I am better than jewels; nothing you want can compare with me. I walk the way of righteousness; I follow the paths...



  • A Treasury of Saints

    A Treasury of Saints

    To follow Jesus is to seek God's kingdom whatever the cost whatever the danger and trusting always in God's everlasting love. The stories of the...



  • God's Protection Covers Me

    God's Protection Covers Me

    "Every day, in all you do, God's protection covers you!"



  • Praying through Grief: Poems and Meditations for Healing

    Praying through Grief: Poems and Meditations for Healing

    "They that love beyond the world cannot be separated by it. Death cannot kill what never dies." William Penn With classic texts from the Bible...



  • The Bible: A History: The Making and Impact of the Bible

    The Bible: A History: The Making and Impact of the Bible

    The Bible is the most translated, published, and studied book in history, with translations in approximately 1,500 languages. As such, it has had a profound...



  • The Augsburg Handbook of Christian Belief

    The Augsburg Handbook of Christian Belief

    The Augsburg Handbook of Christian Belief brings together six essays from expert contributors, covering the topics of faith, God, Jesus, salvation, the church, and Christian...



  • Instant Expert: World Religions

    Instant Expert: World Religions

    Religion plays a major role in nearly every community around the world, impacting people's beliefs, actions, politics, and ways of life perhaps more than any...



  • The Essential Guide to Burnout: Overcoming Excess Stress

    The Essential Guide to Burnout: Overcoming Excess Stress

    Increasing numbers of people are enduring huge levels of stress: economic pressures, family concerns, worries about jobs and health--the list goes on and on. For...



  • The Essential Guide to OCD: Help for Families and Friends

    The Essential Guide to OCD: Help for Families and Friends

    Are you living or working with someone who has obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)? Perhaps they're your parent or child, close friend, parent, or colleague. OCD...



  • First Steps out of Anxiety

    First Steps out of Anxiety

    In healthy, moderate amounts, anxiety is a helpful tool meant to alert a person to danger and prepare the body for response. However, when levels...



  • Love Big: The Power of Revolutionary Relationships to Heal the World

    Love Big: The Power of Revolutionary Relationships to Heal the World

    Love has the power to transform us In the words of Mother Teresa, "We have forgotten that we belong to each other." This lapse in...



  • First Steps through Separation & Divorce

    First Steps through Separation & Divorce

    If your marriage is ending and you find yourself staring at the future not knowing how to tackle the legal side, the emotional side, the...

