
Products (453)
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  • More of You: The Fat Girl's Field Guide to the Modern World

    More of You: The Fat Girl's Field Guide to the Modern World

    In More of You Amanda Martinez Beck gives fellow fat women who have been pushed to the margins of acceptance hard-won wisdom on how to thrive. This book will challenge the status quo, teaching readers to resist shame and guilt and instead to embrace their bodies, take up space, and learn to navigate the world in ways that allow them to flourish.



  • Some Daddies

    Some Daddies

    A celebration of fathers of all shapes, sizes, personalities, and interests. Dads are special!



  • It's Not You, It's Everything: What Our Pain Reveals about the Anxious Pursuit of the Good Life

    It's Not You, It's Everything: What Our Pain Reveals about the Anxious Pursuit of the Good Life

    What if trying to conform to a sick culture is making us sick? It's Not You, It's Everything is an incisive, impertinent, and witty inquiry into the anxious pursuit of happiness. Psychotherapist Eric Minton helps readers rethink everything we thought we knew about God, depression, and culture to find a radical "okayness" that will set us free.



  • Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible

    Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible

    In 1940, just before the Nazis banned him from publishing, Dietrich Bonhoeffer published this book of reflections on the Psalms. Now with an introduction by Walter Brueggemann and excerpts from the Psalms, this classic reveals the Psalms as essential to the life of the believer and offers wisdom for living today.



  • eBook-Gritty and Graceful: 15 Inspiring Women of the Bible

    eBook-Gritty and Graceful: 15 Inspiring Women of the Bible

    From the very beginning, God looked to girls and women to teach, to lead, to love, to change the world. Learn their stories in this illustrated companion to Caryn Rivadeneira's critically acclaimed Grit and Grace: Heroic Women of the Bible.


  • Gutsy: Mindfulness Practices for Everyday Bravery

    Gutsy: Mindfulness Practices for Everyday Bravery

    Women are too often trained out of feeling confident in the wisdom we hold inside. Drawing on her clinical experience and her personal story of leaving her ultra-Orthodox Jewish faith and culture, Dr. Leah Katz shows us how to set aside unrealistic expectations and trust our inner wisdom, making brave leaps in the search for fulfillment.



  • The Mindful Grandparent: The Art of Loving Our Children's Children

    The Mindful Grandparent: The Art of Loving Our Children's Children

    Grandparenting is a sacred, challenging, and sometimes bewildering calling. As educators, writers, and grandmothers with twelve grandchildren between them, Marilyn McEntyre and Shirley Showalter team up to share practices, tips, and ideas for grandparenting with intention and grace.



  • A Gospel for All Ages: Teaching and Preaching with the Whole Church

    A Gospel for All Ages: Teaching and Preaching with the Whole Church

    A Gospel for All Ages helps ministry practitioners craft messages to foster faith in people of all ages. It explores several strategies for proclaiming the gospel among intergenerational faith communities, including meaningful conversation, vibrant worship, and experiential education. Reflection questions and practical advice from experts included.



  • In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis

    In Deep Waters: Spiritual Care for Young People in a Climate Crisis

    Climate change is creating a spiritual emergency that hits young people harder than any others, observes author Talitha Amadea Aho. In Deep Water guides readers of any generation to develop a communal practice of ecologically informed spiritual care, especially for today's youth.



  • Saints of Feather and Fang: How the Animals We Love and Fear Connect Us to God

    Saints of Feather and Fang: How the Animals We Love and Fear Connect Us to God

    In Saints of Feather and Fang, writer and lifelong animal lover Caryn Rivadeneira explores the ways that animals--from the pets in our homes to the mysterious creatures of the deep--serve as spiritual guides for our hearts, minds, and souls. Rivadeneira offers whimsical and theological reflections on delight, instinct, adaptation, fear, and awe.



  • Stepmother: Redeeming a Disdained Vocation

    Stepmother: Redeeming a Disdained Vocation

    Every year more American women become stepmothers, just as Dorothy Bass did. In Stepmother, Bass explores the complicated, and oft-maligned, role. Brimming with practical insights from sociology, history, and clinical studies, Stepmother points readers to the central necessary work--the work done in our own heart--so we can find grace and peace.



  • Tofu Takes Time

    Tofu Takes Time

    Lin makes tofu with her grandma and discovers that patience brings a whole universe together in a simple dish made by a modern Chinese American family.



  • Blessings for the Long Night: Poems and Meditations to Help You through Depression

    Blessings for the Long Night: Poems and Meditations to Help You through Depression

    A beautiful collection of poems and meditations for those experiencing the long night of depression, when the days and weeks can feel like an eternity. Jessica Kantrowitz's moving poetry acknowledges the pain and relentlessness of depression and offers gentle presence and hope. You are not alone, you are loved, and this will not last forever.



  • After Trauma: Lessons on Overcoming from a First Responder Turned Crisis Counselor

    After Trauma: Lessons on Overcoming from a First Responder Turned Crisis Counselor

    We all have the ability to redefine ourselves, to feel hope about what lies ahead, and to choose our own way forward. After Trauma is a story of adversity, grit, defiance, choice, and hope. Each chapter offers a lesson to help readers overcome their own trauma, including concrete and actionable advice on how to re-story a life after adversity.



  • Hattie Hates Hugs

    Hattie Hates Hugs

    Hattie hates hugs, but her relatives keep trying to hug her anyway! She's miserable. Will Hattie learn to advocate for herself and have a good time at the family reunion?



  • This Book Won't Make You Happy: Eight Keys to Finding True Contentment

    This Book Won't Make You Happy: Eight Keys to Finding True Contentment

    Happiness is fleeting. And what if you don't even need it to live a life of peace and purpose? Therapist Niro Feliciano says contentment is a deeper, more satisfying state of living, and something we can all achieve through eight research-based postures for cultivating balance and calm.



  • The Enneagram for Black Liberation: Return to Who You Are Beneath the Armor You Carry

    The Enneagram for Black Liberation: Return to Who You Are Beneath the Armor You Carry

    ChiChi Agorom knows better than most how the Black experience intersects with our Enneagram personality types. For Black women, our number is more than just our way of being in the world, but a reflection of the armor that we use to protect ourselves. This book offers practices for building a sense of self separate from our armor.


  • Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation

    Body Becoming: A Path to Our Liberation

    Activist and public theologian Robyn Henderson-Espinoza inhabits a trans, nonbinary, multiracial body--a body continually in discovery. Drawing from their own body story with the theory and practice of bodywork, they lead us to discover embodiment as the primary place of deep wisdom and a powerful tool to create lasting social change.



  • Take What You Need: Life Lessons after Losing Everything

    Take What You Need: Life Lessons after Losing Everything

    As Jen Crow and her family sifted through the rubble of a house fire, the mantra "Take what you need and leave the rest behind" took on a new meaning. By turns a survival guide and a spiritual companion, this book offers hope, humor, and real-life spiritual tools to help us meet the hardest moments of our lives and take only what we truly need.



  • Black Girls Unbossed: Young World Changers Leading the Way

    Black Girls Unbossed: Young World Changers Leading the Way

    Young Black leaders have always been at the forefront of the fight for justice, freedom, and equity. From Khristi Lauren Adams, author of the celebrated Parable of the Brown Girl, comes Black Girls Unbossed, which introduces readers to young Black girls leading the way and changing the world.

