Use a curriculum designed for preschoolers
Leverage best practices in early childhood education with Frolic Preschool, which features age-appropriate play spaces, prayers, storytelling, music, and rituals.
Leverage best practices in early childhood education with Frolic Preschool, which features age-appropriate play spaces, prayers, storytelling, music, and rituals.
Allow toddlers and preschoolers to explore faith concepts the way they know best—through play!
Bring at-home resources to life with the Frolic Preschool Bible and Frolic Story Books, extending Frolic Preschool curriculum into key themes for families to share at home.
Continue to build faith among toddlers with Frolic Preschool, and extend it to the home with Frolic Family resources.
Each Frolic Preschool lesson follows the same plan, with time for gather, play, songs and stories, and send time. More than half the lesson is focused on play—allowing them to engage with a creative play space to experience the faith lesson the way that they know best (and create materials to share at home!).
“After using the Frolic curriculum as a preschool Sunday school curriculum, that class had the most growth in the amount of kids attending. The little ones really loved coming to Sunday school using this format and materials!”
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Simplify planning with access to all leader materials, and extend communication with automated monthly emails to families.
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