
My Conversations with Martin Luther

My Conversations with Martin Luther

What could a 16th-century German possibly have to say to us modern folk as we enter the 21st century? If that man is Martin Luther, a lot! In this richly imagined book, Timothy Lull presents a series of fictional conversations with Martin Luther, the great reformer. Originating from sites in California and Germany, these provocative conversations offer reflections on Luther's world and the world in which we live.

Lull offers Luther's pithy observations on such timely topics as the family and sexuality, roles of men and women, enemies and friends, renewal in the church, politics and ecumenism, interpretation of the Bible, and the resistance of congregations to the gospel message. Finally, Luther has a few surprising bits of news about current activities in heaven! This is a delightfully entertaining book packed with wisdom and insight for today's Christian.
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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9780806638980
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 4.5 x 7
  • Pages 160
  • Publication Date May 1, 1999