Spark Lectionary / Year C / Winter 2024-2025 / Grades 1-2 / Leader
This Leader Guide makes preparing and presenting lessons easy and rewarding. It provides everything leaders need to engage learners with activities and discussions for lessons.
Spark Lectionary Winter Year C covers teachings from Jesus for Advent through Epiphany, in 11 weeks.
Spark Lectionary Winter is part of a three-year curriculum for kids age 2 to grade 6. Resources include everything from Leader Guides to lesson prep videos.
Spark Lectionary resources are non-returnable.
- Lessons are separated into four sections: Gather, Open the Bible, Activate Faith, and Send
- Step-by-step guidance for each section includes prayers, discussion questions, activities, and supply lists
- Tips on using history, present-day themes, and personal reflection to explore Bible stories
Spark Lectionary Winter Year C covers teachings from Jesus for Advent through Epiphany, in 11 weeks.
Spark Lectionary Winter is part of a three-year curriculum for kids age 2 to grade 6. Resources include everything from Leader Guides to lesson prep videos.
Spark Lectionary resources are non-returnable.
- In stock
- Suggested order quantity: One per class