
Sex, God, and Rock 'n' Roll: Catastrophes, Epiphanies, and Sacred Anarchies

Sex, God, and Rock 'n' Roll: Catastrophes, Epiphanies, and Sacred Anarchies

Each of us experiences moments that shift the axis of our lives, nudging us into new perspectives and sometimes altering our course completely. These are threads--threads that seem mundane, silly, or even trite but, woven together over the course of a life, bring us to places we never imagined.

Sex, God, and Rock 'n' Roll is a story of such threads in one extraordinary life. Barry Taylor began adulthood on the road with a world-famous rock band, and there he found religion. He then became a theologian, priest, teacher, and a theist-non-theist-post-theist. Some of his stories will shock and others will provoke laughter and tears. Taken together, they show just how poignantly the sacred moves in all of our lives.

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  • Publisher Fortress Press
  • Format Paperback
  • ISBN 9781506409061
  • eBook ISBN 9781506409078
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 8.5
  • Pages 200
  • Publication Date June 2, 2020