
Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too

Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too

In this follow-up to the award-winning Maybe God Is Like That Too, a young girl wonders how to be a good neighbor to the dozens of people in her apartment building, the people on the street, and the other kids at the park. With help from her mama, the girl discovers that all it takes is a little kindness and creativity to show love to neighbors near and far.

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  • Publisher Beaming Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506452012
  • eBook ISBN 9781506480251
  • Age/Grade Range PreK-K; Grades 1-2; Grades 3-4
  • Dimensions 8.75 x 11.25
  • Pages 32
  • Publication Date May 14, 2019


Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too is glorious, a timely, colorfully-illustrated, inspired work. The story flows with ease, yet Jennifer Grant packs many powerful and wise ideas throughout. The pictures are vibrant, full of life and humanity—a must-have addition for every family's library.
—Matthew Paul Turner, author of When God Made You and When I Pray for You
Maybe I Can Love my Neighbor Too is a beautiful story for today's children that opens up the age-old question of 'Who is my neighbor?' in an urban, diverse setting. This story, told from a child's perspective, will encourage children as well as adults who read it with the children in their lives, to explore what it means to be a neighbor in our world today. The story and illustrations together create a world of hope, curiosity and neighboring. I adore this book.
—Edith Yoder, Executive Director of Bridge of Hope National
In Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too, Jennifer Grant has created a jumping off point for discussion with children on what it really means to 'Love thy neighbor as thyself.' A timely and beautiful message!
—Kimberly Williams-Paisely, actress and author
Our whole world needs to hear this beautiful message told by a wise child. Thank you Jennifer Grant for teaching us through an ordinary day in the life of one little girl how extraordinary it is to learn we can love the whole world, a person at a time. Buy this for all the children in your life!
—Becca Stevens, author, priest, CNN Hero, and founder of Thistle Farms
I see a future when children who have learned from this book what it means to love the stranger in their midst, will begin to demonstrate for adults, who have forgotten, what it means to love their neighbor.
—Jon M. Sweeney, author of The Pope's Cat and Margaret's Night in St. Peter's
Through the pages of this delightful picture book, a little girl learns that 'Everyone in the whole world is my neighbor. And I can love them too.' Is there any lesson more important? A resounding five stars for Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too where Jennifer Grant's simple language conveys a powerful, much needed message.
—Glenys Nellist, author of the Love Letters from God, and Snuggle Times
Jennifer Grant once again gives us a simple, lyrical story that welcomes young children to imagine living a life of love and generosity. I suspect kids will ask parents to read it again and again and then want to talk about what it looks like to love and be loved in their own communities.
—Amy Julia Becker, author of White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divded by Privilege
This is the book I wish I had for my own kids when they were younger! I'm excited about Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too because it opens up a conversation that helps parents and children discover together how they're called to love their neighbors.
—Margot Starbuck, author of Small Things With Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor
Love starts with noticing the people right in front of you. In Jennifer Grant's new book, Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too, she recognizes this simple but profound truth, and calls children to see each person as someone with value and dignity. By teaching our children to widen their perspective, we encourage them to be a reflection of God's empathy and compassion.
—Carol Bremer-Bennett, Executive Director of Wold Renew, US
My prayer is that the child in each of us takes the message of this book to heart and fills every neighborhood with love. This precious book is likely to become a classic, as it should!
—Sister Julia Walsh, FSPA
Maybe I Can Love My Neighbor Too is a wonderfully uplifting book that will help children (and adults) think about who is their neighbor and then find practical ways to show love. The beautifully-illustrated urban setting and multi-ethnic characters help broaden the world view and the simple message is explained in thoughtful, never trite ways.
—Dale Hanson Bourke, author
Jennifer Grant has so simply and elegantly modeled what it looks like to be a good neighbor... by not just giving love, but receiving it as well. And the fun illustrations beautifully show the diversity of our neighbors...young, old, poor, rich, hijabs, tattoos...children will recognize this world, and at the same time, see it with new eyes after reading this book.
—Linda Midgett, Director and producer of "Same God"


"Find out what happens when an observant girl with a ponytail and bright pink pants decides to look for the good in
others with an open mind and a giving heart in this feel - good story about the power of positivity. From an apartment
window high above to the grass of a city park below, she notices small random acts of kindness and determines that
she, too, can love her neighbors -- all the world over."
—Foreword Reviews