
The Price of Admission: Embracing a Life of Grief and Joy

The Price of Admission: Embracing a Life of Grief and Joy

On the surface Liz Petrone looks as if she has it all: a family, a budding writing career, a successful marriage. But, like so many women, she is desperately lonely. She's also dealing with the life and death of her alcoholic mother and the ghosts of her own suicidal past.

The Price of Admission takes us on a journey with Liz from loss into renewed life. Raw, unflinchingly honest, and surprisingly funny, Liz writes from a universally understood place of struggle, whether that is the deep darkness of grief or the hazy, yet joyful, dimness of demanding everyday lives spent caring for ourselves and our families.

Through a combination of personal narrative and common truths, Liz provides a timeless reminder to world-weary readers that, just as birth follows death, light does indeed follow darkness; and that, often, it is because of our pain--and not despite it--that we grow, survive, and--yes--thrive.

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  • Publisher Broadleaf Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506458786
  • eBook ISBN 9781506458793
  • Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
  • Pages 200
  • Publication Date September 1, 2020


"Petrone's stories lift off every page and make their home in the souls of her readers. They read like conversations with a friend, the kind of friend you call when something amazing--or devastating--happens. She knows when to write gently and when to speak hard-hitting truth. I am forever a loyal reader and avid fan."

Mary Katherine Backstrom, founder of Mom Babble and author of Mom Babble: The Messy Truth about Motherhood

"In The Price of Admission, Liz Petrone shares the rawest places of her heart and gives all women permission to do the same. I was crying one minute, then hysterically laughing in the next sentence. This is a book that every woman needs!"

Lauren Eberspacher, author of Midnight Lullabies and the blog From Blacktop to Dirt Road

"The Price of Admission is a great treasure. Tucked beautifully within the pages, we begin to know we are not alone. And we, too, can survive if we just hold on to one another."

Valli Vida Gideons, hearing loss advocate and author of the children's book Now Hear This

"Liz Petrone's masterful balance of honesty, sensitivity, and wit when sharing deeply personal stories puts her among the great pioneers fighting the stigma of mental illness by creating a more approachable space to discuss it."

Brea Schmidt, The Thinking Branch

"Liz Petrone is a beautiful soul whose writing is a pure reflection of the goodness that occupies her heart. She isn't only everything you want in an author--she's everything you want in a human."

Amy Weatherly, motivational speaker and founder of