
Messy Minimalism: Realistic Strategies for the Rest of Us

Messy Minimalism: Realistic Strategies for the Rest of Us

Think minimalism means a perfectly curated, always tidy home? Think again.

Drowning in tides of toys, overflowing closets, and a crazy schedule, Rachelle Crawford assumed you had to be naturally organized to keep a tidy living space. Then she found minimalism: the messy, real-life kind, that is less about perfection and more about purpose. Thus began a journey toward decluttering her home, calendar, and soul.

With empathy, grace, and humor, Crawford--who curates the popular Abundant Life with Less site--shares doable ways to own less and live more fully. Laying out practical strategies for reducing waste, curbing consumption, decluttering, and finding lots more joy, Crawford offers no-nonsense solutions for the rest of us. Learn to become a more conscious consumer, create a capsule wardrobe, inspire family members to join you, free up more time for the things that matter, and create a tidy(ish) home. The messy minimalist way is a no-judgment zone, one in which we learn sustainable habits and grace-based practices. It's about living lightly on the earth and making room for purpose.

Becoming a messy minimalist is not about turning into someone else; it's about clearing away clutter and expectations to unearth who you really are. It's about carrying fewer things so that we find ourselves holding onto what truly matters.

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  • Publisher Broadleaf Books
  • Format Hardcover
  • ISBN 9781506466866
  • eBook ISBN 9781506466873
  • Age/Grade Range Adult
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 7.25
  • Pages 220
  • Publication Date December 7, 2021


"Messy Minimalism gives us permission to do minimalism our way--the way that best supports our families. This book shows us the imperfect way, the messy way, and, most importantly, the real way. Rachelle Crawford's gentle approach makes minimalism and living a more joyful life approachable for everyone."

Courtney Carver, author of Project 333 and Soulful Simplicity, and founder of Be More with Less

"Rachelle Crawford will make you breathe a sigh of relief at your normalcy (you know, the mess we all have), and she'll hold your hand toward a doable life of less, honoring your humanness along the way."

Melissa Coleman, author of The Minimalist Kitchen and founder of The Faux Martha

"With grace, authenticity, and humor, Rachelle Crawford shows readers that living clutter-free isn't solely reserved for the perfectly organized. This is a witty and wise must-read for anyone looking to exchange a life distracted by stuff for more joy, presence, and calm."

Joshua Becker, author of The Minimalist Home and other books, and founder of Becoming Minimalist

"By providing an honest, practical approach to decluttering, Rachelle Crawford redefines minimalism as a lifestyle that is attainable and achievable for anyone wishing to pursue it."

Christine Platt, author of The Afrominimalist's Guide to Living with Less

"This book is a gift that will bring you guidance, inspiration, and self-acceptance. Cheers to an imperfect yet simpler life!"

Denaye Barahona, PhD, creator of Simple Families, from foreword

"A fun, fresh perspective on decluttering your home and heart. Everyone can benefit from a clutter-free lifestyle--especially people who have always thought of themselves as messy."

Erica Layne, author of The Minimalist Way

"Messy Minimalism is a delightful read. In it, Rachelle Crawford shares both practical tips and important mindset shifts, showing just how simple, valuable, and doable minimalism can be."

Zoë Kim, author of Minimalism for Families

"Crawford encourages her readers to release perfectionism and rigidity, explore conscious consumerism, experiment with self-imposed boundaries to free up mental and emotional energy, and lean into the beauty of our ordinary, messy everyday life."

Krista O'Reilly-Davi-Digui, founder of A Life in Progress